After encountering her first kiss, Ragini went back to her house with Chhaya, Chhaya decided to move in with Ragini since she had a huge phobia of being alone. Ragini walked into her father's room changing into comfortables.

She looked at her father's potrait and a tear escaped from her eyes and she wiped it immediately since she can't be weak now not at this state.

"Do you think whatever you are doing is right? Like uncle would like this decision of yours?"

Chhaya said while sitting beside her and keeping her right hand on her shoulder since she knew Ragini might pretend as the toughest person right now who only cares about revenge but only she knew in reality it hurts her more than anything that her father is no more and the only crush in her whole life became the murderer of her beloved father. She had so many dreams of marrying the man of her dreams. She was definitely not among the girls who wished their prince charming will come on the white horse and they will live their life without any problem but about Ragini, she was damn mysterious. She didn't wanted her prince charming instead she asked for a man who would burn the whole world for her. She would be his strength, power and his only one. Ragini looked at Chhaya and with the deep sigh of tension she uttered,
"I don't know Chhaya what am I doing but I just know one thing no matter whatever it takes I'll never allow Raghav Thakur to live a peaceful life. I'll make him suffer the same pain which I'm doing."

"But what if he knew about your background I mean? He gets to know that you are the daughter of Adhiraj Thakur?"

"Shits girl, I even told him my name."

She said while slapping her forehead with her palm gradually resting her head on it.

"I think you should change your identity. Name can be same for many people but make sure you keep your every detail hidden."

"Hmm okay now let me discuss about our plan tomorrow."

"So you are going to meet him again tomorrow?"

"Yes, I mean I have to create an impression infront of him."

"Won't he think that you're desperate for him since you met him today too?"

"Then what should I do??"

She said while resting her head on the crown of the sofa and glancing at the moving ceiling fan.

"I think Ragini we should move to Varanasi I mean he's the MLA of Varanasi and definitely you can't live here since he might get to know about you."

She just hummed and got out of the room following by Chhaya climbing downstairs she said,

"Chhaya thanks for everything I mean no one did as much as you did for me really and I appreciate it a lot."

"Ragiii... Have you forgotten about our oath which we took in our high school washroom that no matter whatever happens we are not leaving each other. Even you helped me in my tough times. Then I should help you too, by the way I forgot to tell that your favourite went to Varanasi."

"Mihir went to Varanasi, that bastard came back from Bengaluru and didn't knew thought of informing me."

"Yeah, he was really sorry for your loss and he's coming tomorrow morning."

"Really then definitely he'll help me with this revenge since no one can be better manipulator than him."

She laid down on the bed and Chhaya sleeping in the other room just beside her.

Dad why did you leave me?
Was I not a good daughter that you left me?
You didn't completed my promise of attending concert of BTS, of travelling whole India with me, skydiving, scuba diving but you just left me alone just like my mother did...

Cursing her fate she slept.

Next morning,
She whined at the sound of alarm.
"Papa just snooze this alarm or else I'll throw it."

"Papa, PAPA."

She continued calling her dad until Chhaya came and snoozed the alarm.
"Ragini Adhiraj uncle is no more."

These words were enough to bring her back from her sleep. Chhaya went out of the room to freshen herself leaving Ragini thinking about the day when her father used to wake her up.

"Ragini wake up baccha."
"No papa let me sleep a bit please."
"No Ragini wake up now. In the count down of three or else forget your trip of Kanpur."

I opened my eyes in one shot.

"No dad you can't do this."
I said while grabbing his hands in mine.

"I can do anything my kiddo."
He said while taking off the comforter from the side of the bed and started folding.

"Wait, why's your laptop lying there near the corner of your bed? What if you step on? Let me switch it off and keep it safely at the table."

Papa said while marching to the other side of my bed.
I was about to go to do my morning business but my father's words almost took my life. I rushed towards him and snatched the laptop from his hand.

"Dad, I'll keep it safely at the table."
I said with a nervous face and sweating forehead.

"You sure?"
He asked while raising his left eyebrow.
I nodded in affirmation.
He was about to go and I opened my laptop to switch it off but I faced the most embarassing moment of my life.

"Strip, Ana",
I was watching fifty shades darker last night and I left it in a mid way of erotic scenes and since I opened it, the movie started from the same time stamp. Gosh, I'm gone. I forcefully switched off the laptop and looked at my father's side only to see his shocked eyes.
I screamed and ran to restroom only to hear my father's loud laugh.

Flashback Ends

Ragini laughed on the incident just by remembering it which was later followed by her tears. She just wished to time travel or something just to save her father but destiny had something different for her. She completed her morning business and came out only to see her childhood buddy, Mihir sitting with Chhaya listening something with very intense expression. As soon as the door was closed making a noise which gained Mihir's attention and he rushed to Ragini holding her shoulders tightly and making her look at her.

"Are you mad Ragini like you are trying to seduce your father's murderer?"

"I'm not seducing Mikki I just want to be his weakness so I could leave him making him face the same pain which I did."

"Ragini will uncle be happy to know that his only child is sacrificing her dreams and ambitions, her whole life just to get a goddamn revenge?
I mean think something else Ragini I don't think this is good."

"Mihir my decision is unchanged. I have already started executing the plan."

"What... You didn't even thought of asking me Ragini?"

She grabbed Mihir's hand and made him sit on the cushion and wrapping her both soft palms into his rough ones. Trying to explain him she said,

"Mihir you know I never got the love of my mother. My father was everything for me he never told me to bow down infront of anyone and being such a honest person he didn't deserve to die. I want to take revenge because if that person has killed my father he might kill other honest people too to make sure that his fear is everywhere."

"So for this you are killing yourself?"

"Mihir, Ragini is already died the day her father, her pillar died. And the fact hurts the most that for the first time I fell for a guy which later turned out my father's murderer."

"Ragini we still have a lot of things to do like we can just kill him but don't waste your life, your dreams and ambitions."

"Mihir bhaiya I have taken the decision. If he's not feeling guilty from inside than even death doesn't makes any sense. I'm going to ruin him in the most possible way."

"Who's the murderer?"

"Raghav Thakur, MLA of Varanasi"

This reply of Ragini almost took Mihir's life. How could the person he trusted the most, his best friend about whom he knew everything could do this? Either Ragini has mistaken in this case since he knew Raghav will never kill anyone who would be an honest person...

He was in huge confusion. Whom should he support on one side was his sister Ragini who was determined on taking the revenge and he knew now he can't change her decision and on the other side was his friend Raghav who was innocent and can never kill any honest person?

Fate has played a huge game.
Kabhi kabhi hum bhul jaate hain ki jo dikhta hai woh hi sach nahi hota
Yaa shayad iss case mai woh hi sach hai...

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